March 2019, the number of international airplane departures rose 3.92 percent, and domestic rose 7.77 percent compared to February 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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March 2019, the number of international airplane departures rose 3.92 percent, and domestic rose 7.77 percent compared to February 2019

Release Date : September 18, 2019
File Size : 1.04 MB


In March 2019, the number of international air transport planes departing from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport was recorded at 2,888 flight units. This figure is recorded an increase compared to the situation in the previous month (m to m) which reached 2777 flight units, or an increase of 3.92 percent. The same condition occurred in the departure of recorded international flight passengers by 2.73 percent (m to m), from 500,301 people in February 2019 to 513,958 in March 2019.

The departure number of baggage and international air transport goods also increased when compared to the previous month (m to m) by 21.71 percent, ie from 9.18 million tons to 11.17 million tons.

The departure of domestic air transport aircraft from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in March 2019 was recorded at 3,216 flight units, up 7.77 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 2,984 flight units.

The highest increase was recorded in domestic air transport flights to Bima which reached 42.86 percent. While the number of aircraft departures for Surabaya and Bandung has decreased by -2.99 percent and -4.38 percent, respectively.
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