Karangasem Regency in Figures 2020, Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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Karangasem Regency in Figures 2020, Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning

Catalog Number : 1102002.5107
Publication Number : 51070.2001
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1395-60-8
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : February 28, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.48 MB


The book Karangasem Regency in Figures 2020 “Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning” is a new breakthrough for the annual publication published by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Karangasem. This publication is a continuation of the publication of the previous year which includes a wide variety of data and information on the state of geography and climate, characteristics and socio-economic circumstances of the population, as well as social and economic conditions of Karangasem, but in a more concise form. The data presented is limited to the basic data needed for development planning.

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