Village Potential Statistics of Karangasem Regency 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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Village Potential Statistics of Karangasem Regency 2018

Catalog Number : 1105014.5107
Publication Number : 51070.1915
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 31, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 8.98 MB


This publication contains an overview of village-level administrative regions throughout Indonesia according to the availability of infrastructure and the potential that each region has. Along with government needs, this publication also presents information relating to the use of the Village Fund. Data and information presented in this publication are grouped into the following sections: general description of villages, population and employment, housing and the environment, anticipation and events of natural disasters, education and health, social and cultural, entertainment and sports, transportation , communication and information, economy, security, village autonomy and community empowerment programs, as well as village government information. Data and information presented at the provincial level are aggregation of district / city level data. Meanwhile, similar publications were also made at the district / city level which is an aggregation of sub-district level data. This publication is expected to be a reference material for data and information related to infrastructure and regional potential for development policy makers at the central as well as regional levels, researchers, academics, and data users in general. The initial detection as well as the phenomenon of infrastructure availability and potential between regions is captured in the various tables presented in this publication.
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