Bali Province NTP Index in August 2019 was recorded to decrease as deep as -0.22 percent compared to the previous month. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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Bali Province NTP Index in August 2019 was recorded to decrease as deep as -0.22 percent compared to the previous month.

Release Date : September 18, 2019
File Size : 0.86 MB


Bali Province Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in August 2019 was recorded down as deep as -0.22 percent, from 104.89 in July 2019, to 104.65. In terms of the index received by farmers (It) was recorded down as deep as -0.47 percent while the index paid by farmers (Ib) recorded a shallower decline, namely -0.24 percent.

In calculating the rural consumer price index (inflation) in August 2019, the Province of Bali recorded deflation as deep as -0.41 percent, opposed to the national condition that recorded experiencing rural inflation as high as 0.09 percent.

From 33 provinces observing the calculation of the household consumption index of farmers (rural) in August 2019, there were 22 provinces experiencing inflation and 11 provinces recorded experiencing deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in North Sulawesi Province, by 2.08 percent, and the lowest was recorded in East Java Province by 0.004 percent. Meanwhile, the shallower deflation was recorded in Yogyakarta D.I Province as deep as -0.02 percent, while the deepest was recorded in West Sumatra Province reaching -0.50 percent.
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