April 2019 Singaraja City recorded inflation of 0.39 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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April 2019 Singaraja City recorded inflation of 0.39 percent.

Release Date : September 18, 2019
File Size : 0.95 MB


In April 2019, Singaraja City recorded inflation of 0.39 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI 2012 = 100) of 143.68. The calendar year inflation rate was 0.98 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (April 2019 to April 2018 or YoY) was 1.63 percent.

Commodities recorded contributing to or contributing to inflation in April 2019 include: shallots, vegetable tomatoes, broiler eggs, apples, garlic, motorbikes, fresh anchovies, liniment, spinach and squid.
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