Interview of SOUT 2017 in District Kubu - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karang Asem Regency

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Interview of SOUT 2017 in District Kubu

Interview of SOUT 2017 in District Kubu

June 14, 2017 | BPS Activities

The Survey of Farming Cost Structure (SOUT) 2017, is a follow up activity of the Census of Agricultural Activities 2013, after previously there are Subsector activities in 2014. The SOUT 2017 Survey is an integration activity between the Food Crops Structure Survey and the Livestock Fee Structure Survey. Implementation of the Food Crops Fruits Structure Survey is planned every 3 years.
The main objective of SOUT 2017 activities is to obtain accurate statistical data on food crops and livestock sub-sector such as food crops and livestock business, crops and livestock exploitation profile, and socio-economic condition of household of food crops and livestock business.
BPS Kabupaten Karangasem own, of course carry out this activity. This SOUT activity was conducted during March to July 2017. The total sample of this survey for Kabupaten Karangasem is 4204 farms, and involves 47 officers. Until now, interview activities have been completed, and are in the inspection stage, for further processing done in BPS Bali Province.
The above photos were taken during the enumeration of SOUT for the livestock business in Kecamatan Kubu around June. The activity is supervised by the supervisor (I Made Tony Sutawan) during the interview conducted by interviewer (Ni Kadek Widiasih). Supervision is very important to do, to ensure the quality of data generated.
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